do the right thing
Producer: black man - a classic genre of violent movies - violence calminating in a
Mooky: the black employee in the pizzeria - photos of white Americans on the wall - complains about photos
One day in NYC: humid day (schwül) - immigrants from Italy - father and his two sons - they own a pizzeria in a 'black part' of NY - tricky situation - they are prejudiced against the blacks in their neighbourhood - but they need them - they are dependent on them - NY is a big melting pot of nations - aggressions on both sides (b/w) keeps on growing - one day Mooky comes in with a big loud radio fight - police comes and one of them kills a black man in his anger - then they set fire to the restaurant total destruction
Message: a small unimportant issue (Anlaß) may cause a violent explosion - nobody actually is to blame
uncontrolled violence destroys everything - violence is let run wild - it can't be brought under control any more - disregarding guilt (Schuld) and innocence (Unschuld) mass hysteria
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