
American Revolution

American Revolution The American Revolution, the conflict by which the American colonists won their independence from Great Britain and created the United States of America, was an upheaval of profound significance in world history. It occurred in the second half of the 18th century, in an "Age of Democratic Revolution," when philosop ...
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Introduction to Old and Middle English, Part I Jens Poulsen WS 2000/01  BeowulfPlot Beowulf, a hero of the Geats, a Germanic nation located in southern Sweden, comes to the aid of Hrothgar, king of the Danes, whose magnificent hall Heorot has for twelve years been ravaged by the nocturnal man-eating monster Grendel, a descendant of t ...
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Black Holes - by David Braunstein

Black Holes by David Braunstein   Mr. O'Conner 06.04.'98       The black hole is a very widely discussed phenomenon in science. The first thing one might want to know, is that nobody has ever seen a black hole. The only reason to believe in them, is the mathematical effect of its gravitational field. The first (known ...
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Bookreport Marylin Sachs - The Fat Girl

Bookreport: Marylin Sachs - The Fat Girl  The book is written by Marylin Sachs. The centre of attention is a boy named Jeff and Ellen, the fat girl. Jaff is a good looking seventeen-year-old boy. He lives in a house with his mother and his sister. His parents are divorced. His father is married again and has two new sons. Jeff is not very ...
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Bravo two zero

“Bravo two zero” is a book about the true story of the most highly decorated British patrol since the Boer war. It is a SAS petrol consisting of eight men, Sgt. Andy McNab, Dinger, Tony, Baz Brown, Chris Ryan, Ray, Stan, Mark and Warner. Andy is the commander of this group as well as the author of the book.   He joined the i ...
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Buchbeschreibung - TALKING IN WHISPERS

Buchbeschreibung   First something about the author. He is named James Watson. He is against the war.Most of all he hopes that his readers will share his passion for a good tale, the kind folks told each other around winter fires long ago. Now to the persons and the introductionThe book is named “TALKING IN WHISPERS” The ...
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Changing Places

Changing Places   Author:   David Lodge was born in London in 1935 and took his BA and MA degree at University College, London in 1955 and 1959. He holds a doctorate from the University of Birmingham, where he taught in the English Department from 1960 until 1987, when he retired to become a full-time writer. He retains the title ...
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Chartbreakby Gillian Cross        Gillian Cross has been writing children’s books for over twenty years.- Before that, she tool English degrees at Oxford and Sussex Universities; and she has done various jobs, including working in a village bakery , and being an assistant of Member of Parliam ...
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Die Romantik in England (1800-1850) - Die Epoche

Inhalt    Inhalt 02 Epoche 03 Biografie des Autors 04 Entstehungsgeschichte des Werkes 06 Personencharakteristik 07 Inhalt des Werkes& ...
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